This picture of Lulu Simmons picture is used with her permission. It show cases our tiara jewelry and audio books.

Audio Books

     The Audio is free with every ebook, printed book or printed chapter that you buy. Add an ebook, printed book or printed chapter to your cart.  At check out, the audio version(s) are also added for Free. 
    Why do we do this? Our book or ebook has spectacular pictures on almost every page - like this one.  if you have the audio without the book you would be missing out. This is why we make the audio free with every ebook or book. Enjoy it!

    Two pages from Chapter 1's invitation to Black men
    The next page sample of chapter 1 - the invitation to Black Men.

    The picture of Miss Lulu Simmons is used with her permission.
    Her picture is used to showcase our tiara jewelry and audio books. 

    13 products